Shipping & Delivery


Your order will be processed and shipped within 2-5 business days (Monday - Friday). This time is necessary to prepare your goods for shipment and make any adjustments to the order or delivery address if necessary. Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a tracking code by email to follow each step of the shipment.

Some shipping companies can take more time than others to update the tracking information on the system. If your order was placed more than 5 business days ago and there is still no information on your tracking number, contact us.

For logistical reasons, items from the same purchase may be shipped in separate packages. If this happens, don't worry, you will receive the rest of your items shortly.


Delivery time varies by location and is provided at product page, "Shipping & Returns" page, and/or at the checkout. All shipping times exclude clearance/customs delays and doesn’t include our processing time. Please keep in mind that processing and shipping times may increase during specific collection launches, holidays, and other peak seasons.

Made in Noise cannot be held responsible for delays in shipments caused by weather conditions, international customs issues or any other circumstances beyond our control. You can be sure that we do our best to meet the deadlines provided, but problems can happen. We count on your patience and understanding if something does not go as expected, and we are always available to dialogue and clarify any doubts.


All shipping costs will be calculated at checkout and will be based on your shipping address and estimated weight of your package.


We are proud to offer international shipping services. However, there are some locations we are unable to ship to. If you encounter any issues while trying to place your order, please contact us.

CUSTOMS (this is something you have to know)

Depending on your country, import/customs fees may be applied to your order. Please note that we are not liable for any custom fees, hold times, or incorrect shipping information provided. The customer is responsible for any applicable customs fees, taxes, and duties. If a package is refused, no refund will be provided.

Made in Noise is not responsible for any shipping deliveries affected by customs, natural occurrences, air and ground transportation strikes or delays. The customer is responsible for any extra fees, customs, or back-end charges that may apply.

DELIVERY (pay attention to your address)

This is the stage where the carrier delivers the products directly to the recipient's address. Note that we do not deliver to P.O. boxes.

Please make sure that your shipping address is correct before processing your order. We cannot guarantee that it will be possible to change the delivery address or the selected shipping method after checkout.

If the package is not successfully delivered due to lack of cooperation from the customer, such as providing wrong telephone numbers or addresses, being absent at the address, or non-compliance with import regulations, the package may risk being sent back to our Warehouse.

In these cases, we will store the package for up to 30 days after it arrives at our Warehouse. This is the deadline for the customer to contact us, providing a new/correct delivery address and pay the costs for reshipment. If the customer does not request or pay the reshipment, the cancellation of the order is established. Informing the correct address for delivery is the sole responsibility of the customer and we will not make refunds in case of return for the reasons mentioned here.

For deliveries to the wrong address by carrier mistake, please submit a claim via the carrier used to ship your order and also contact us.


We are not liable for any misplaced or stolen packages. If your tracking number reads as successfully shipped and the address provided to us upon checkout matches the exact address we have shipped your order to, we are not held responsible if your package has been misplaced. Stolen/lost packages are nonrefundable.

In most cases, a neighbor received the shipment or the package is being held by a doorman or another person responsible for final delivery of mail at that address. With a little bit of effort these packages are typically located.


If you receive your package, and it is damaged and/or opened, please take a photo of the damage before checking the contents inside. Please submit a claim via the carrier used to ship your order and also contact us.


By placing an order, you accept all these terms & conditions and you are in a binding agreement with us.


If you have any questions, drop us a message: